Unlearn Something
Two teachers unlearning in their classrooms and sparking conversations in yours.
39 episodes
38. 30 second attention spans: Reflections on student engagement
Hello everyone!Welcome to episode 38. Today, we are talking about what challenges teachers face with student attention spans and methods of communication changing as well. We shar our honest thoughts about the challenges of t...
Episode 38
37. Happy half term catch up with Miss S and Miss D
Hello everyone! We are back. It's been a while but we are back in the studio and we have a new episode for you. This time we are catching up on things that are happening in the classroom and out in schools. We are talking about half...
Episode 37
36. A diary of a SENDCO - an interview with Miss E
Welcome back to the Unlearn Something pod!This week, we are well into the school term and things are looking good. Many teachers would have made the leap into SENDCo positions starting September. She shares her wealth of knowledge, ...
Episode 36
33. The Summer of Discontent.
Welcome back to the UnlearnSomething Podcast and our first episode for the school year. In this episode, Miss S and Miss D reflect on the summer of discontent. We discuss the results of the general election, the appoi...
Episode 33
34. Challenging Islamophobia in UK Schools
Hello!We are back with another episode of the Unlearn Something podcast. Today, we are tackling a big topic that every school has a responsibility to address- Islamophobia. The reality is that in many schools across London and t...
33: Mama - Teacher - Tired
We are back!Its been a great summer - full of good times, rest and relaxation - and Miss D and Miss S are back in the studio with some exciting new guests on the show and a some new topics to discuss. In today's episode, Mi...
Episode 33
32. AITA? Teacher and Parent Edition
In this week's episode, Miss S and Miss D tackle some common scenarios that teachers need to navigate when communicating with parents. Fortunately, most of the time parent interactions are overwhelmingly positive but sometimes thin...
Episode 32
31. The UK General Election 2024: What are the Education Manifestos saying?
Welcome back to the Unlearn Something pod!This week, we take a look into the education manifestos from each of the major parties and see what the plan is for this big education system in the UK. There are some plans to addr...
Episode 31
30. Teacher Transfer Season: Job Interviews. Resignation Letters - what you need to know
Hello! Miss S and Miss D are back and today we have an episode where we discuss the things that teachers have to remember during teacher transfer season. Often there is movement in schools - just like in any other workplace - but school...
29. The 2024 APA Conference on 'Policing & The Black Child: Reflections from Miss S
Hello everyone!It has been a while since we have been in the studio but Miss S and Miss D are back in full effect. We've had a rejuvenating half term and we are ready to rock the last half term of the academic year here in the UK. ...
Episode 29
28. What is 'normal' for schools these days? Making sense of the day to day challenges of teaching
**Trigger Warning **This episode contains discussions of stress, burnout and other difficult situations that sometimes face teachers. If this these topics are something that might be difficult or cause harm, please listen to a different...
Episode 28
27. What happens when things goes wrong? Identifying challenges in the classroom
** Trigger Warning **This episode includes discussions about challenging experiences in the classroom from a teacher's perspective. If this is something that might upset or cause harm, check out another episode of the Unlearn Something ...
Episode 27
26: When teachers experience racism in schools: An interview with Miss A
*** TRIGGER WARNING *** This episode contains references to personal experiences of racism in schools. Welcome to Episode 26 of the Unlearnsomething podcast. Today, we have a candid interview with Miss A. Miss A is an expert primar...
Episode 27
25: Celebrating the BLAM book launch in Birmingham, UK
Welcome to episode 25 of the Unlearnsomething podcast. Thank you for listening and supporting us. We are enjoying the process, meeting some wonderful people and hopefully sparking some conversations in your classrooms!This week we share...
Episode 26
24: UK Teachers Embracing Teaching Abroad
Welcome back to our latest episode of the Unlearn Something Podcast! We are two teachers unlearning in our classrooms and sparking conversations in yours.In this episode we interview a Black British teacher who is now teaching abroad.&n...
Episode 24
23: Balancing Act: Nurturing Student Wellbeing & Behaviour
Welcome back to our latest episode of the Unlearn Something Podcast! We are two teachers unlearning in our classrooms and sparking conversations in yours.In this episode Miss D and Miss S, discuss the impact of mental health...
Episode 23
22: Britain's Crumbling Schools
Welcome back to our latest episode of the Unlearn Something Podcast! We are two teachers unlearning in our classrooms and sparking conversations in yours. In this episode Miss D and Miss S, review the BBC Panorama investigative do...
Episode 22
21: Right of reply and Hairy Table Bread
Welcome to our Unlearn Something Podcast! We are two teachers unlearning in our classrooms and sparking conversations in yours. In this episode Miss D and Miss S, respond to a n article in a British broadsheet newspaper feat...
Episode 21
20. Anti Racism and Diversifying Recruitment in Corporate Sectors: An interview with Romain Muhammad
Welcome back to our next episode of the Unlearn Something Podcast!This episode we have another special guest. Romain Muhammad is a recruitment specialist, his social media platforms have over 35K subscribers, he is studying an MA, he is...
Episode 20
19. History and Geography in UK Schools: An interview with Leila from Energy Garden and Black British Studies
Hello!Welcome back to the next episode of the Unlearn Something Podcast!Today we have Miss D interviewing the amazing Leila from Energy Garden and the brains behind Black British Studies on Instagram. We delve into a lively conv...
Episode 19
18. Police Presence and Searches in Schools: We don't need them
Hello!Welcome back to the Unlearn Something podcast where two teachers have conversations about our classrooms in the hope that this will spark a conversation in yours. This week we talk about where and when police are currently...
17. Supply Teachers: Balancing Rights, Responsibilities and Pay
Hello!Welcome back to the next episode the Unlearn Something podcast - thanks for being here!This week we discuss the tough job of supply teaching in today's school climate. We cover some of the pay options, what supply teachers...
Episode 17
16. Teaching is no JOKE! Teacher Burnout and how to recognise it
Hello!We are back with another episode and in this episode we are talking about teacher burnout. We talk about what is feels like, how to recognise it and what we can try and do about it.There is a problem though. we cannot avoi...
Episode 16
15. Gaslighting in Schools - what is it and how does it affect teachers?
Welcome back to the Unlearn Something podcast!We are Miss S and Miss D and the simple premise of our podcast is to share conversations in our classroom, hoping to spark conversations in yours. Today, we are talking about ga...
14. Performative Allyship during Black History Month
Hello everyone!Welcome back to the Unlearn Something podcast, thanks for listening. The simple premise of our podcast is for two teacher to share the conversations about their classrooms hoping to spark a conversation in yo...
Episode 14